Her Bachelor Party Fantasy Read online

Page 6

  I think Karen drank twice as much as Marcus did. I guess I was a little jealous that she was sharing another man’s drink. I had the feeling she was drinking with a purpose, and I couldn’t help but wonder if she was trying to keep her inhibitions in check. I wondered if she was drinking because of what she was doing, or if she was trying to get up the nerve to do something more.

  I nursed my Tanqueray-and-tonic. I wanted to remain clear-headed in case Karen needed me, and besides, I would be driving home later.

  Ed won a hand and was raking in the pot when he said to no one in particular, “I’ve got it!” He leaned over to me and asked, “Which one of these broads is the boss?” Technically, none of them was the boss, but I figured Thuy was the senior member of the little dance troupe, so I nodded toward her.

  Ed lurched out of his chair and stumbled around the table to her. He draped his massive arm around her shoulders and drew her aside. She nodded slowly as he whispered in her ear. She whispered something back to him. When he answered, she smiled and nodded her head vigorously. I assumed Ed had struck a deal to have sex with her.

  But apparently I was wrong. Thuy made her way over to Crystal and whispered to her. Crystal looked at Karen, then at me, and then at Karen again. She whispered something to Thuy. Thuy whispered back. Crystal shrugged and nodded her head. She glanced at me again.

  Thuy smiled and went around the table to Karen. Karen stared at the table while Thuy whispered to her. When Thuy finished, Karen glanced around the table, looking from player to player. When she got to me, she paused and looked into my eyes for a fleeting moment before moving on. Then she looked at Thuy and whispering back. Thuy whispered again. Karen sat motionless for a couple of beats. She glanced at the groom and then nodded at Thuy. She shot another glance at me and quickly looked away. I had no idea what to make of that.

  Thuy looked across the table at Ed. She gave him another big smile and nodded vigorously. “Okay,” she said. Apparently, the women all had agreed to something. I had an uneasy feeling.

  Ed came back and stood by his chair. “Okay, listen up!” he boomed. “The dancers have agreed to play a new game with us.”

  “Strip poker!” one of the guys shouted.

  “Nah. It’s better than that. I call the game ‘Five Card Draw, Pussy Take All’ because this game is played for pussy, and the pussy gets the money.”

  “Really? Better than strip poker?”

  “Yeah. Shut up and listen. Here’s how it works. First of all, if you want to play, you gotta leave all of your money in the game. Whatever you have on the table right now stays in the game, but if you don’t have at least $500 on the table, you gotta add enough to come up to that amount.

  “We start the game by having everyone ante $200. Then we deal everyone five cards, face down. After you look at your cards, you can either bet an additional $100 to stay in the game or fold. Then, everyone who stays in the game can discard up to three cards and draw replacements. After you draw your new cards, if you want to stay in the game, you gotta go all-in with your remaining money on the table. If you decide not to go all-in, you’re out of the game, and you lose the $300 you put in the pot.

  “Then we have the showdown. The guys with the top three hands each win an hour of sex with one of the dancers. Of course, the dancers get the pot.”

  My stomach turned over when I realized what he was saying. Karen apparently had agreed to fuck one of the winners.

  Ed continued, “The best hand gets first choice, and so on. But the other guys who went all-in aren’t totally out of luck. They get to watch the winners fuck the dancers.”

  “What if nobody goes all-in?” one of the guys asked.

  Ed glanced at Karen and then looked at the guy who asked the question. “I can personally guarantee that’s not gonna happen.”

  “Okay, what if only one goes all-in?”

  “He gets to have all three women. And if only two go all-in, then the one with the better hand gets two women.”

  My stomach churned again. There was no doubt in my mind that Karen would be the first dancer chosen. I wondered if she really would go through with it. The knot in my stomach tightened. But my balls contracted, and my cock started to swell.

  A couple of the guys had less than $500 on the table. One decided to drop out, and the other borrowed some money from Ed. Two of the other guys also decided to drop out. One mumbled something about his wife. The other said he wouldn’t have the nerve to have sex if front of everyone if he won. That left six players. Plus me.

  I had more than two thousand dollars sitting in front of me. For a moment, I wasn’t sure what I’d do. My first instinct was to try to win Karen so no one else could have her. But since this would be a game of pure luck, my chance of that was only one-in-seven. If I won at all, it was twice as likely I’d win either Thuy or Crystal. And I wasn’t sure how Karen would react if I had sex with one of them, even though she and I had made our agreement up front about how either of us could do anything at the party. So I thought seriously about not playing.

  But then I wondered what Karen would think if I didn’t even try to win her. Maybe she would think that the money I had on the table meant more to me than she did. I couldn’t risk having her think that. I decided I had to play.

  The guys who had decided not to play said their goodbyes and left. Sean sent the bartender with them.

  All seven remaining players anted $200 each. A hush fell over the room as the cards were dealt. I kicked in another $100 before I even bothered to look at mine. There was no question I was staying in. I peeked at my cards. I kept the pair of eights and the ace, and discarded the other two. All six of the other players kicked in their additional $100 bets and made their discards.

  The replacement cards were dealt. I hesitated for a moment and then picked up mine. An ace and a queen. That gave me two pair. Black aces and black eights. And the queen of hearts. The legendary “dead man’s” hand. A chill ran through me. I really wasn’t worried about meeting Wild Bill Hickok’s fate at a bachelor party, but it seemed a bad omen for keeping Karen from fucking some other guy.

  It was time for the final round of bets. One-by-one, each of the players pushed his stack of money into the center of the table. All seven of us were all-in. I estimated the pot to be well over ten thousand dollars. Thuy was hopping up and down and clapping her hands. Karen was wide-eyed, just staring at the pile of money. Crystal was behind me, squeezing my shoulders and bouncing her breasts against the back of my head.

  It was time for the showdown. Unfortunately, I was right about the bad omen. The guy who had borrowed money to stay in the game had a flush. Ed had a full house. My “dead man’s” hand was third.

  Sean swept the pot of money into a grocery bag and said he’d hold onto it for safekeeping. I was sure he also wanted to make certain the women kept their end of the bargain before turning it over to them.

  Then it was time for the guys with the winning hands to choose. Ed got up and pulled the first-place guy aside. They whispered to each other for a minute, and then Ed pulled a wad of money out of his pocked. He peeled off a number of bills and gave them to the other guy. The guy nodded. Ed clapped him on the shoulder and sat back down next to me.

  I’m sure everyone at the table was surprised when the guy with the best hand picked Crystal instead of Karen. But then I saw him wink at Ed. And sure enough, Ed picked Karen, who took a deep breath and forced a smile. That left me with Thuy, which left me doubly disappointed. I mean, Thuy was fine, but I’d had her many times. After the way Crystal had been teasing me all night, I had been hoping at least to have her if I couldn’t keep Karen for myself.

  Thuy came around the table and whispered to Crystal. I heard Crystal say, “Oh! Good idea!” Thuy went over to the guy who had chosen Crystal and said something to him. He gave her a big smile and nodded.

  Crystal leaned down and spoke in my ear, “Thuy say we watch Karen fuck first. Then we go fuck.”

  My stomach flipped and churned
, and my heart fluttered. But my cock hardened and my balls ached. I didn’t trust myself to say anything, so I just nodded.

  Crystal gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. “And…we make trade. Now, I go with you and she go with another guy.”

  That delighted my balls, notwithstanding the knot in my stomach. “How did you manage that?” I asked. “I thought the other guy wanted you.”

  Crystal put her lips against my ear and whispered, “Thuy tell him if he agree to trade, she let him fuck her ass.”

  I made a mental note to thank Thuy for that.

  Karen gave the groom a kiss and eased off his lap. She glanced at me and then gave Ed a tentative smile. He rose and made his way around the table to her. He had a considerable bulge in his pants.

  Ed put his huge hand on the small of Karen’s back and guided her a few steps away from the table. He looked at the Marcus. “Hey, little brother! I’m gonna show you what to do on your wedding night!” Everyone cheered. Well, everyone but me. And Marcus.

  “First thing you do,” Ed said, “is get her naked.” Without warning, he stripped Karen’s dress off her shoulders and down body. Karen’s money fluttered to the floor along with the dress. Karen just stood there, momentarily stunned. Then she stepped out of the dress. Crystal scampered over and picked up Karen’s money and her dress. She handed the money to me, and I stuffed it into my pants pocket.

  “Then,” Ed continued, “you make her suck your dick.” He took Karen by the shoulders and pushed her down to her knees. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. He stroked it a couple of times, and a drop of clear precum formed on the tip. He took a fistful of Karen’s hair and forced her head into his crotch.

  Instinct made me start toward them, but Crystal grabbed my arm and held me. I took a deep breath and watched Karen carefully, trying to discern whether she needed me to step in.

  She took hold of Ed’s cock and guided it into her mouth. She sucked slowly while she quickly unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned the waistband of his pants. She let him slip out of her mouth so that she could pull his pants and underwear down his legs. Then she resumed sucking the head of his cock while she stroked it with one hand and cupped his balls with the other. She didn’t seem to be in distress. But I certainly was.

  Ed put his hands on the sides of Karen’s head and held it while he flexed his hips and fucked her mouth. He looked at the groom again. “Make your wife suck your cock like this little slut.” I tensed, and I thought I saw Marcus wince. Maybe he didn’t like Karen being called a slut, either.

  After a few minutes of thrusting into Karen’s mouth, Ed said, “Okay, Honey. That’s enough.” He stepped out of his pants and pulled her to her feet. “Now, take off my shirt.”

  Karen unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders. He dropped his arms and let it slide down his back to the floor. He stepped forward and pulled Karen tight against him, crushing her breasts against his chest and poking her in the stomach with his cock. He planted his lips on hers and made a big show of forcing his tongue into her mouth. He gave her a big, wet kiss and finished by licking her across the face.

  Then he picked her up and cradled her in his arms. His erect cock bounced against her ass as he carried her across the living room and into one of the adjoining bedrooms. We all followed and crowded into the room.

  Ed set her down on her feet and pushed her back to the bed and forced her down on it. Just as he put one knee on the bed beside her, he stopped and said, “Oh! Wait just a minute!”

  He swaggered out of the bedroom with his erection wagging from side to side. He returned a minute later with an aerosol can of whipped cream and a maraschino cherry. He leaned over and sprayed a dollop of cream on each of Karen’s nipples. Then he sprayed a foamy trail down her stomach to her pussy, where he deposited another mound. Then he placed the cherry in the whipped cream, right on top of the little hood over her clit. Most everyone clapped and cheered. Almost everyone.

  Ed knelt on the bed next to Karen. He leaned over and ate the whipped cream off of one of her nipples. He sucked on it until all the cream was gone. Then he did the same with the other.

  I couldn’t help but look at his balls as he leaned over her. The way they hung and swung from side to side made me think of a bull. I couldn’t imagine a more virile image, and it both wounded me and excited me to think of him breeding with my Karen.

  After Ed spent a couple of minutes sucking her nipples, he worked his way down her stomach, eating most of the whipped cream until he reached the cherry. He picked it up by the stem with his teeth and showed it to the onlookers. Then he moved up and touched it to Karen’s lips. She opened her mouth and pulled at it with her teeth. The stem pulled free. Ed turned his head and spat it out. Karen chewed and swallowed.

  Ed kissed his way back down Karen’s body, stopping to suck on each nipple for a moment before proceeding back to her pussy. He moved around and lay down on his stomach between her legs. He licked her thoroughly, cleaning up all of the whipped cream before licking her folds and plunging his tongue into her. After a couple of minutes of licking and probing, he rose to his knees.

  “So much for the whipped cream,” he said. “Now I’m going to give her my cream!”

  My stomach lurched as he forced her legs farther apart with his thighs. He moved forward until the head of his cock was resting in her neatly trimmed pubic hair. He grasped it and started working the head through her folds.

  “Wait! Wait!” Karen said as she wriggled away from him. “You have to use a condom!”

  “I don’t have no fucking condoms.”

  “Here,” Crystal said. She produced a condom from her bag and tore open the wrapper. She grabbed Ed’s cock and expertly rolled the rubber down his length. While she was doing that, Thuy squirted a big glob of K-Y jelly onto her fingertips and applied it between Karen’s folds. She used two fingers to work it into Karen’s pussy and finished by rubbing Karen’s clit with a little circular motion.

  Thuy stepped out of the way as Ed leaned forward again. He found Karen’s entrance with the head of his cock, and after a couple of tentative probes, he thrust deep into her. She gasped and wrapped her legs around his waist. I wasn’t sure if she was trying to limit his movement or encourage him. After a few thrusts, she started pulling at his ass with both hands and lifting her hips to meet each thrust. It looked as if she was urging him on. Maybe she was just trying to finish him off quickly. I wasn’t sure.

  Ed lay down on Karen, squishing her breasts with his chest and kissing her as he pumped her and pumped her. Suddenly, I imagined that I was watching my long-lost love Rachel with her husband. I’d seen him only once, from behind and at a distance. I didn’t really know what he looked like, but I knew he was a big guy. As I watched Ed fucking Karen, I couldn’t escape my vision that it was Rachel’s husband fucking her. Tears welled in my eyes. It was painful to watch, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away. And my balls ached and my cock throbbed.

  After each thrust, Ed lifted his ass until his cock was almost all the way out of Karen, and then he plunged it back in. His balls slapped against her ass. He continued to give her long, hard strokes. I kept hoping he would cum so the whole thing would be done.

  He rose up and lifted Karen’s legs onto his shoulders. Then he leaned forward, pushing her knees nearly to her shoulders, and started pumping her again. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her hard against him with each thrust. Her natural breasts surged up and down her chest. She clung to his arms as his muscles flexed and sweat rolled down his arms and back.

  Finally, after what seemed an eternity to me, he stopped thrusting and eased back, letting Karen’s legs come down. He moved back some more, letting his cock slip out of her pussy. I thought maybe he had cum, but I didn’t see any semen in the tip of his condom.

  Ed climbed over Karen’s thigh and rolled her onto her side. He lay down behind her and lifted her leg to spread her wide open. He probed her with his cock until he found her entrance, and then he slipped
into her again.

  I could see for the first time that his cock curved so that it seemed to dip down into her pussy. He rolled toward her and away again, causing his cock to plunge deep into her and then withdraw almost all the way before plunging into her again.

  He draped Karen’s leg over his thigh to free his hand while keeping her spread open. He forced his other arm under her neck so that he could reach around and squeeze her tits while he rubbed her clit. Karen had her eyes closed, but she didn’t seem to be in any distress.

  But I was, and Crystal apparently sensed it. She stepped around in front of me and leaned back against my chest. She reached behind with both hands and grabbed my cock and balls. She squeezed and turned her head toward me. “Take it easy,” she whispered. “She okay.”

  I instinctively cupped her breasts. When she squeezed my balls again, I squeezed her nipples. She groaned and nodded her head.

  Finally, after what seemed an eternity to me, Ed started to groan. He gave Karen a few more forceful strokes and then drove deep into her. His body stiffened as his balls contracted. I could see the surge through the underside of his cock as he inseminated my woman. For a moment, I thought I was watching my Rachel being inseminated by her husband. My heart twisted in my chest, and tears welled in my eyes.

  I held my breath while Ed’s cock continued to throb, pumping additional spurts into Karen. He started milking himself, squeezing all of his semen out of his cock and into the condom in Karen’s pussy. My mind’s eye saw Rachel’s husband pumping his seed into her. My stomach churned. And yet, my balls ached and my cock throbbed. I wondered how the image could be so painful and so stimulating at the same time.

  Ed pulled out of Karen. A huge load of his semen filled the dangling tip of his condom. The sight of all that sperm meant for Karen made my stomach churn.

  Ed turned and looked at Marcus. “See that, little brother? That’s what you do on your wedding night. Only you don’t use a condom. You pump her pussy full of your sperm.”