Her Bachelor Party Fantasy Page 4
Once they were settled, I went back out and organized the arrangement of folding chairs in a large circle around the perimeter of the living room. Thuy had given me a CD containing the dance music she wanted. I inserted it in the player and picked up the remote control.
I got a Tanqueray-and-tonic and sipped it and watched the volleyball game while I waited for the women to get ready to dance. After about fifteen minutes, Thuy cracked open the bedroom door and waved to me. I aimed the remote at the CD player and pressed the button. When the music started, Thuy flung open the bedroom door, and the three women came dancing out to the center of the circle of chairs. Someone turned off the volleyball game, and the guys quickly filled the chairs. I joined them.
Thuy and Crystal were all smiles and looked totally at ease. Karen’s smile, on the other hand, looked a bit apprehensive. I wondered if she was having second thoughts, now that her fantasy quickly was becoming reality.
All three were wearing bikinis under a wrap of sheer material that reminded me of Indian saree. I could see that each was wearing a garter around one thigh. Their stilettos struck me as being out of character with their saree, but I was pretty sure no one was focused on their feet.
Throughout their first song, they danced together in the middle of the circle of chairs. I was impressed by how well they had rehearsed. I think the rest of the guys were impressed as well. They watched with rapt attention as the women undulated in unison.
When the second song started, things got a little more exciting. Thuy and Crystal started rubbing up against Karen, running their hands up and down her body and thrusting their pelvises against her thighs. Toward the end of the song, Thuy slipped behind Karen and cupped her breasts while Crystal dropped to her knees in front of Karen. She reached around and grabbed Karen’s ass while she pressed her face against Karen’s crotch. As the song ended, Thuy bounced Karen’s breasts as if she were trying to juggle them while Crystal jiggled her ass. The guys cheered. Karen smiled and looked more at ease.
During the third song, the women spread out and started working their way around the room. Each of them danced in front of one of the guys for a little while before moving on to the next. After they had made a complete circuit of the room, they each picked out one of the guys and gave him the end of the length of fabric that was wrapped around them. Then they spun away toward the center of the circle, unwrapping the fabric as they turned. By the end of the song, they were down to bikinis and garters.
When the music continued, they started working the perimeter of the room again. This time, each gave a guy a few seconds of a lap dance before moving on to the next. Most of the guys just sat there with their hands at their sides, but a few put their hands on the women’s hips or waist. So far, no one had tried to touch them intimately.
When Karen got to me, she wiggled in my lap a bit and then took my drink from my hand. She chugged it down with a few quick gulps and handed the glass back to me. There was nothing left but a couple of ice cubes. She wiggled a bit more and then moved on to the next guy.
I motioned to the bartender with my empty glass. He nodded and mixed another and brought it over to me. I took a sip just as Thuy settled on my lap. She put her hands on my thighs and rubbed her butt up and down my crotch about twenty times. When she stood up, she grabbed my glass and took a couple of sips of my drink. She handed it back and gave my swelling cock a quick squeeze before moving on to the next guy.
When Crystal got to me, she pushed my knees farther apart so she could rub her butt against my crotch without actually sitting on my lap. She leaned forward and looked back at me through her thighs as she wiggled her ass at me. She stood back up and turned. She took my glass from my hand and held it while she leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Thuy say you eat pussy very good. Maybe I try you tonight.” I had no idea if she was serious or if this was just a tease to get me to tip her well. I just nodded. She winked and took a sip of my drink. She made a show of licking her lips, and then blew a kiss as she handed back my drink and moved on.
Thuy moved toward the center of the circle, and the other two joined her. They danced in unison again for a bit, this time touching themselves suggestively. Then Thuy looked around at the guys and tugged at her empty garter. With a big smile, she said, “Show me the money, Honey.” It took a moment for the implications of her comment to sink in, and then the guys all started digging money out of their pockets.
The women danced back to the perimeter of the circle again. Karen went to the guy next to me. She eased her butt into his lap and undulated with the music. He reached toward her garter with a folded twenty dollar bill. She tugged at the garter while he inserted it and then leaned back against him, putting her weight on his crotch.
She pushed with her legs, rubbing him up and down in time with the music. He put his hands on her waist and moved his hips to meet her movements. Before long, his hands were sliding up her bare midriff. He paused just below her breasts. I guessed he was wondering how far Karen was willing to let him go. I was more than a bit curious about that myself.
Apparently, he got up his nerve. He cupped her breasts and gave them a little squeeze. Karen gripped his hands. I thought she might pull them away, but she didn’t. She continued to slide her butt up and down his crotch for a little while, and then pressed his hands hard against her breasts for a couple of beats before pulling them away and moving over to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a considerable bulge in his pants. Of course, I didn’t have to look to know that I had one as well.
As Karen settled in my lap, I held my drink out for her. She shook her head and put her hands on my thighs. I set the drink on the floor so that I would have both hands free. I was about to start feeling her up when she said, “Ahem,” and nodded toward her thigh. I fished a twenty out of my shirt pocket and slipped it under her garter.
She leaned back and pressed her butt against my rigid cock. She swayed from side to side, working the head into the crack of her ass. I cupped her breasts and squeezed her nipples through the fabric of her bikini top. I pulled her back against my chest so I could whisper in her ear. “Are you ok?”
Her nod was almost imperceptible as she exhaled softly and whispered, “Oh, yes! How about you? Jealous?”
“Oh, yes.”
She nodded. “And that thing poking me in the butt tells me you’re turned on.”
“Oh, yes.”
“What happens in Vegas…”
“Just remember, I belong to you.”
I gave her a little pat on the butt as she lifted herself off of me and moved on to the next guy.
I figured things were just getting started, and I wondered just how far Karen was willing to go. I knew that Thuy would set the pace, but I wondered if Karen would choose to keep up.
All three women continued to work the room pretty much the same way until they had made a complete circuit. I figured that Thuy would crank it up a notch, and I was right. She paused to pull the forest of bills from her garter and fold them together. She placed them on the kitchen counter and set an empty glass on them. The other women followed suit.
Thuy stretched her empty garter and looked around the room. All the guys started waving twenties at her. She selected one and danced over to him. He slipped his money into her garter. She straddled his thigh facing him, and pressed her own thigh against his crotch. Then she began humping his leg as she pressed her breasts against his face. He grabbed her breasts, and it looked like he bit down on her nipple through her bikini top. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his head, holding it tight against her chest as she continued to massage his cock and balls with her thigh.
I looked over to see what Karen was doing. She seemed to have copied Thuy. Her guy was massaging her breasts and sucking her nipples through her bikini top as she undulated in his lap.
By the time Karen got around to me, she had quite a collection of twenties fanned out on her leg. I added mine to the bunch. “Looks like you’
re gonna be rich,” I said.
“Yeah, you know, I never thought about the money,” she whispered. “My fantasy was never about that. It was all about performing for a room full of men.”
“This mean you’re going to keep dancing?”
“You mean after tonight?”
I nodded.
“Only for you. If you can afford me, that is.”
“I can.”
“Big talk,” she said, rubbing her thigh hard against my balls as she rose to move to the next guy.
When the women finished the circuit this time, they gathered at the makeshift bar. Thuy said something to the bartender. He gave me a questioning look, and I nodded. He picked up a bottle of tequila and poured three shots. The women picked them up and clinked their glassed together before tossing them down. I could see that Karen was trying not to choke.
A few moments later, Thuy said something to the bartender again, and he poured three more shots. The women tossed them down and turned back to the circle of men. Karen’s eyes were glassy.
Thuy lifted her breasts with her hands and bounced them a couple of times. Then she ran her hands down her body and between her legs. “Show me the real money!” she said.
One of the guys held up two twenties. She minced over to him and climbed onto his lap, facing him, while he tucked the money into her garter. This time, she was straddling both of his thighs so that her pussy was right over his crotch. She pressed her breasts into his face and started riding him. I could see that his erection was pressing against her pussy. She wiggled around and ground her pussy on his cock while she rubbed her chest against his face. Everyone watched as he reached around and untied her bikini top. She leaned back to allow him to pull it off over her head. All hell broke loose as the other guys started calling and waving money at Karen and Crystal.
I pulled out a fifty and waved it at Karen. She glanced at me and then danced over to another guy several seats away. I was momentarily taken aback that she seemed to have chosen some other guy over me. I had to remind myself what this party was all about for her. Nevertheless, I felt some kind of void, sitting there holding the money I had pulled out for her.
Crystal was quick to fill the void. She practically leapt onto my lap, planting her pussy on my hard-on and bumping her tits against my chest. She could barely touch the floor with her toes, so her weight was almost entirely on my cock and aching balls. I tucked the fifty into her garter.
She hugged me and pressed those very soft, natural breasts against my face. I untied her bikini top. She let the straps slide off her shoulders, but the little triangles of cloth continued to cling to her breasts. She twisted her upper body back and forth a couple of times, causing her breasts to sway from side to side until the bikini top slipped down between us.
That was the first time I had seen her breasts. The sight made my cock throb. She had pea-sized nipples surrounded by huge areolas that were nearly as black as her hair. I put my arms around her and sucked one of her nipples into my mouth. It hardened instantly. I nibbled on it a bit and then switched to the other. It hardened as well.
“Oh, my nipple so hard. They like you,” she said.
“And I like them,” I replied as I began to wonder if I should have another drink.
With her toes struggling for purchase on the floor, Crystal started riding me like I was a child’s rocking horse. From the way she shifted around, I knew she was trying to bring her clit in direct contact with the head of my penis. When she finally managed to hit the right spot, she started riding me furiously, her breasts surging against my face.
Suddenly, I was on the brink of cumming. All things considered, I didn’t think that cumming in my pants was a good idea, so I grasped Crystal’s hips and held her motionless while I looked around for something to distract me. What I saw was Karen, topless, riding the groom pretty much the same way Crystal was riding me, except that they were kissing like lovers. I could see that he was sucking on her tongue. A sharp pang of jealousy shot through my stomach. And my balls ached.
Crystal saw that I was watching Karen and the groom. She glanced at them for a moment and said, “Look like she want do him for real.”
I shrugged my shoulders.
“He very handsome. I know she your girlfrien’. You jealous?”
I shrugged again. “Maybe a little.” Maybe a lot. He was a few years older than Karen, but at least ten younger than I. And he was the stereotypical blue-eyed blond with the great body.
Crystal held my face between her hands and gave me a gentle kiss with her full, soft lips. “If she do him tonight, I do you. I promise. Make you feel better.”
I raised my eyebrows and cocked my head. I assumed it was all just talk, but I didn’t want to say that to her.
Crystal pressed her face against my cheek and whispered in my ear, “I serious, okay?” She gave me a peck on the cheek and slid off my lap. She picked up her bikini top and moved on to another guy who was waving a couple of twenties at her.
By now, the women were no longer making their way around the room in an orderly fashion. As they finished with one guy, they moved on to the next highest bidder, regardless of where he was in the room. I noticed that virtually everyone was vying for Karen’s attention. One of the guys was waving a hundred dollar bill at her. He reminded me of a professional wrestler. Shaved head and thick neck. Big and muscular, but not particularly well-defined. There was something familiar about him, but I couldn’t quite figure out what it was.
When Karen straddled his lap, he tugged at the ties at the sides of her bikini bottom. I wasn’t sure if he was just teasing her or if he actually was trying to untie them. Karen slid back on his thighs a bit and untied them herself. She rose up just enough to pull the bikini bottom out from under her. Then she scooted forward again and ground her bare pussy against the bulge in his pants while he sucked her nipples. She held his bald head and kissed his broad nose while she rode him.
After a couple of minutes, she rose up and turned around. She pushed his knees apart and started rubbing her bare ass up and down his crotch. He grabbed her waist and pulled her back against him. He squeezed a breast with one hand while he slid the other hand down her belly and between her thighs. He pulled her thighs apart for better access. He started rubbing her pussy and then slipped his middle finger into her. He probed her for a bit and then added a second finger, pushing deep, clawing at her folds with his other fingers. Karen grunted and grabbed at his hand.
I didn’t know if he was hurting her or if she just didn’t want him to violate her with his fingers. Whichever it was, I thought I should intervene. I wasn’t looking forward to that, but I needed to protect her. Karen turned her head and looked at me just as I started to get up. She closed her eyes and gave an almost imperceptible shake of her head. I sat back down. My heart was pounding.
Karen said something and tugged at the guy’s thumb. He withdrew his fingers from her pussy. She released his thumb and he started rubbing her clit with a tight circular motion. Karen arched her back and leaned head on his shoulder. He kissed her neck and pulled at her nipple, stretching and squeezing it while he furiously massaged her clit. Her thighs started to tremble, and I thought she might be about to cum. Suddenly, she grabbed his hand again and pulled it away from her pussy. She turned her head and said something to him and kissed his cheek.
I thought she was done with him, but she turned around and straddled his thighs again. He cupped her breasts and started sucking her nipples. She reached down to his crotch with both hands. From the way his hips jerked, I was sure she had hold of his cock and balls.
When the song ended, Karen gave him a quick kiss on the lips and rose to her feet. I could see a big wet spot on his lap.
A guy on the other side of me was waving another hundred dollar bill at Karen. She gave me a wink and a wiggle as she crossed in front of me.
I reached in my pocket for a hundred of my own. An instant later, Thuy was straddling my lap, wearing nothing but the money-filled g
arter on her thigh. She settled her weight on my bulging cock and pulled my head against her breast, practically forcing her nipple into my mouth. I sucked it for a minute and then switched to the other. When I released it, she leaned back. I started to reach for her garter to give her the hundred, but she leaned over and whispered in my ear, “No need. Other guy spend plenty money. I give you free tonight. Thank you for giving me this job.”
“You’re most welcome. And thanks for helping Karen.”
“Oh, she very good. Very sexy. Every guy here want fuck her. She make they so horny.”
“Yeah, I can see.”
“Make you jealous?”
I nodded. Thuy ground her pussy against my hard-on.
“But make you horny, too, yeah?”
She leaned against me and wrapped her arms around my neck. She put her lips against my ear and whispered, “I tell truth. She make me jealous, too.”
“Because she’s so popular with all these guys?”
“No, because you want her more than me.”
I had no ready reply to that. I didn’t know if she was serious, or if she was just doing some typical bargirl ego stroking. Either way, it did give me a bit of a lift.
“But that okay,” she said. “I understand. She make me horny, too.”
“Really? You like ladies, too?”
“Sometime. But I like her very much.”
“Does she know?”
“No. I no say nothing to her. But…you think maybe we three get together sometimes?”
I thought back to the time Mai had seduced Karen. A threesome with Thuy might be a possibility. I got a sudden vision of Thuy and Karen in a passionate sixty-nine on my bed. “Maybe. We’ll see what happens.”
Thuy climbed off of me. “Back to work. Time for make more money, Honey.” She kissed my cheek and sashayed across the room to her next customer.